
Leading the ACA – President, Duncan Gibb

Duncan Gibb writes about why he accepted the role of President of the Australian Constructors Association. Read More

Dab the brake on projects but accelerate reform

The NSW government has declared its pipeline full for any new major projects in the short to medium term. Hats off to the government for its bold admission. Read More

Will project trust accounts reduce industry insolvencies?

Security of payment for subcontractors is an area where seemingly none of the legislated ‘big sticks’ have solved the problem. Read More

Improving construction outcomes through strategic collaboration contracts

A strategic collaboration contract is a long-term multi-party contract that an asset owner puts in place with its panel of contractors/suppliers.  Read More


Allyship - The word for 2021 and beyond.

As is tradition, at the end of 2021 various dictionaries chose their top word for the year. Many chose ‘vaccine’ as the 2021 word of the year, for obvious reasons! selected ‘allyship’, as their word of the year. Read More

How Complex System Theory can be applied to the construction industry

If we want to solve the critical issues facing the construction industry and deliver the record pipeline of projects, we need to first understand how the industry works. Read More

Tiers no more—simple solutions to the problems of a complex system

It has been suggested by some that one way to address this problem of shortages is to break up large projects into smaller packages of work that can be undertaken by ‘Tier 2’ and ‘Tier 3’ contractors. This assumes there is some magical pool of resources sat waiting to be tapped. Read More

The time to act is now – not in 5, 10, 15 years!  

The much-anticipated 2021 Australian Infrastructure Plan did not disappoint with its recommendations, but it fell short in one critical area—its implementation timeframes.  Read More

Limited window of opportunity for procurement reform

This opinion piece by Jon Davies, CEO of the Australian Constructors Association was published in the August 2021 edition of Infrastructure Magazine. Read More

Vaccination only way forward for construction

The construction industry breathed a sigh of relief this week with work recommencing on sites across Greater Sydney, albeit with a 50 per cent cap on peak workforce levels. But many construction workers, particularly those under 40, are understandably left wrangling with the notion of getting vaccinated to be able to attend sites. Read More