The Australian Constructors Association (ACA) together with Engineers Australia has announced that six projects have been selected as finalists to compete for the 2018 Australian Construction Achievement Award (ACAA). The combined value of the six projects is over $2.8 billion.
“These projects have delivered world class construction outcomes and solutions for their clients. The range of skills, technology and innovation involved in these projects showcases the capacity of the industry and its ability to adapt to differing project requirements”, said Lindsay Le Compte, ACA’s Executive Director.
“The projects combine the skills of construction workers and professional experts with the capacity and capability of the construction supply chain to deliver project outcomes at the highest levels”, Mr Le Compte said.
The status of the ACAA is exemplified by the iconic industry brands that each year are the major sponsors of the award. The 2018 ACAA will be sponsored by Aconex, Caterpillar, Cbus, Holcim, Liberty OneSteel, Telstra and Virgin Australia.
The ACAA Finalists for 2018 are: –
Macquarie Rapid Build Prison in Wellington NSW by Hansen Yuncken Pty Ltd
The project involved managing the design and construction of the first dormitory style, rapid
build prison in Australia.
Covering a site area of 27 acres, the 480-bed prison concept features 14 buildings comprising of four accommodation buildings interconnected by secure walkways, surrounded by a parameter of 5.4km multi-layered security fencing.
Northern Beaches Hospital at Frenchs Forest NSW by CPB Contractors Pty Limited
CPB Contractors, a member of the CIMIC Group, was awarded the contract to design and build a modern nine-storey hospital that will contain 488 beds, 1,400 car park spaces and a helipad. The Northern Beaches Hospital development is a Design and Construction Project for the operator, Healthscope to serve both public and private patients.
Pacific Highway Upgrade Warrell Creek to Nambucca Heads at Macksville NSW by ACCIONA Infrastructure Australia Pty Ltd
The upgrade between Warrell Creek and Nambucca Heads involves the design and construction of 19.5km of new dual carriageway road. ACCIONA Infrastructure, as part of the Pacifico Joint Venture, was responsible for the design and construction of the project.
Perth Stadium and Stadium Park at Burswood WA by Multiplex Constructions Pty Limited
Perth Stadium is a 60,000 seat multi-purpose venue. Designed with a ‘fans first’ philosophy in mind, the stadium delivers an unrivalled stadium experience for Western Australia.
Multiplex’s scope also included delivery of the surrounding Stadium Park, offering year-round community facilities including parklands, nature play areas, restaurants, an amphitheatre and a pedestrian and cyclist network.
Post Entry Quarantine Facility (PEQF) at Mickleham Vic by CPB Contractors Pty Limited
Quarantine facilities from around Australia are now accommodated in a $300m, state-of-the art complex that meets contemporary post entry quarantine standards.
Careful planning and management of multiple stages and interface between quarantine operations and construction crews has been fundamental to ensuring safe and timely handover from CPB Contractors to the Commonwealth.
Princes Highway Upgrade for Foxground and Berrypass at Berry NSW by Fulton Hogan Construction Pty Ltd
NSW Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) engaged Fulton Hogan to manage the design and construction of the Princes Highway upgrade. The project was, at the time, the largest single investment made to the Princes Highway. The advertised completion date for the project was mid-2018.
The project included 11.5km of dual carriageway highway, including 12 bridges, 1.5 million m3 of earthworks, eight vehicular/fauna underpasses, three interchanges and local road upgrades.
Further details about the finalists and the ACAA are available at www.acaa.net.au